Derrek Daniels, Notary Public, Richmond, VA 23227-3623

Derrek Daniels

I am a certified Signing Agent with the National Notary Assoc. I have closed 5000+ mortgages including E-signs. I have notarized the following types: 1st, 2nds, Time Shares, Small Business loan, Employment contracts, Judgements & Foreclosure settlements, 1099 & W4 sign ups, HELOCs, Combos, Multifamily, Condos, Town homes, Investments, 2nd-homes, Fixed, ARMs, Interest only, Neg-Amort ARMs, over equities, and light commercial. I managed a Citifinancial mortgage branch office for 4 years. I was the Vice President of Sales for Trust Mortgage Corp for 4 years. I have been an independent signing agent since 2004 years. Being in the industry and adjacent industries for so long, I have learned a lot about closings, documentation, sales, and management. I know how to accurately explain APR, Pre-Pays, ARMs, Neg-Amort ARMs, Deeds, Notes, Escrows (impounds) balancing out, MI and PMI, Compliance docs, POAs, HELOCs, Deferred Interest, ect. I can drive to signings as far as 80 miles one way and all the way up till mid-night if needed. I have a GPS, 120 volt outlet in my car, a laptop and 5 Laser printers. I can print docs while in route to signings or even if I am waiting with a client for updated docs.

Loan Signer
Laser Printer