Master of Public Administration (G.P.A. 3.616)
Certified Signing Agent
E&O Insurance - $100,000
Bonded - $7,500
Present. State of Florida.
Experience as Right of Way Specialist:
Property acquisition
Familiar with the Uniform Act. Extensive experience in all areas of Right of Way. Assignments include: property acquisition, relocation assistance, property management and outdoor advertising.
Suit preparation
Use of title to transfer property. Law suit preparation, insuring that the correct owners are named in lawsuits to condemn property under Florida law. For future road building projects, review property descriptions thus insuring the correct property is acquired.
Cost estimating
Field work with staff or fee appraisers, developing land and improvement estimates for projects scheduled for acquisition.
Survey and Mapping
Assist in preparing documents for title transfer. Develop Right of Way plans for use in Right of Way acquisition.
Property Appraisal
Collect and analyze sales data. Familiar with case law and its affect on property appraisal.
Appraisal review
Working alongside an experienced review appraiser in the analysis of appraisals for a specific road building project.