Felix Otero, Notary Public, Houston, TX 77020

Felix Otero

Felix Notary is a…
-National Notary Association Certified Member
-American Association of Notaries Member
-Café Network Member

Below is the list of documents generally required which are taken care of and ready

•National Notary Association Certification (NNA) [NNA#: 160104274]

•Background screening by the NNA [Exp: 12/31/2014]

•Ability to accept email/edocs [Yes, while away too via my iPhone or a Laptop]

•Ability to fax back documents when requested [Not a problem]

•W-9 form [Available and ready to be sent]

•Commission Certification [CC#: 11657138 Exp: 10/21/2017]

•Surety bond, if required by state [N/A in TX]

•Errors and Omissions insurance [$50,000 coverage]

•Photo copy of driver license [Available upon request]

•Copy of my resume & references are available upon request

Felix Notary has experience in: Living Trusts, Affidavits, Acknowledgements, Authentication, Certified Copy, Loan Closings, Title Closings, Limited Power of Attorney, I9 Form, Employment Verification

Availability: Monday through Saturday from 8:30am to 8pm. Best way to reach me is via phone then email or vice-versa.

Fluent (Speak & Write) in two languages English and Spanish.

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