Reem R. Al-Hindi, Notary Public, Stockton, CA 95219

Reem R. Al-Hindi

I have successfully completed the notary exam required by the state of California. My commission expires in June 2009. Notarizing and loan signing is my primary job. I would cover the county of San Joaquin. My drop of location is secure and in a gated area.

I am able to receive documents by email, my printer prints legal size papers, and I have used it to print loan doc.s and done e.doc.s many times before. I am able to receive

faxed papers in legal size too. I speak Arabic fluently and read and write it too. I am very

familiar with refinance signings, Purchase and second mortgage loans. Even though like I

mentioned I am familiar with loan documents, but still I took the loan signing class and

passed the test and got certified to do loan signings. So far my signings are error free.

I am also a member with the NNA,, notary rotary,, and 123notary.

I have been doing loan signings now for 3 year. I am bonded and have E & O


Loan Signer
Laser Printer