Rolanda Williams-Turner, Notary Public, York, PA 17404

Rolanda Williams-Turner

Rolanda'S Notary Service

I am a notary for the States of Maryland and Pensylvania.

I cover Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Howard County and Harford County in Maryland.

I also cover Cuberland County, Dauphin County, Franklin County, Philadelphia City and York County.

I have complete the madatory notary traiing for the state of Pennsylvania. I have also complete the notary signing agent traing and have received my notary signing certification from the National Notary Association.

I am a very dependable person, I like working iwht people and understand how precious their time is and I offer prompt, ourteous and reliable services with fair competitite rates.

I have a laser printer, fax machine and computer.

Loan Signer
Laser Printer