Michael Dowd
Background Check Information
Provider: Crimcheck - Conducted: Apr 02, 2014 Expires: Apr 02, 2016
Introduction and Experience
Doing every kind of Notary Closing since 1997. Michael has done over 4,900 + closings of every kind including going back to fix others mistakes or no shows or those who claim they have zero error free signing. You’ll find that Michael is a perfectionist, Always punctual, professional, friendly, never have to remind him to call, never has to has to go back and redo a mistake, dress appropriately and aims to impress. He is certified by the Supreme Court of Texas. Therefore, has had a recent Background screening done. Has $125,000 on E&O. Our Reputation will make your reputation shine. When was the last time you had a stress free day.. Knowing that all will be done in the matter that was directed? Handling last minute closings with a smile. Have four laser printers ready to roll (plus laptop w/wireless card) and digital/video camera. See Our website for our pledge, other services and pictures of our crew. We do it all (except house cleaning) www.courtservices.ws.
Counties we handle are Wichita, Clay, Archer but not limited. We do other counties for mileage fee of 50¢ per mile. However, we have a separate room designated for closing. It is warm, private, professional, comfortable. With plenty of secure parking space in back. Constructed for your convenience in that it saves you the extra cost of a mileage fee and having to look for an office. The signers have given us many complements on it as it has a free coffee, water and soft drink dispenser to show our hospitality. We are also Process servers, certified by the Supreme Court, Court Researchers, Interpreters, Couriers, and site inspections of all kinds. While we are NOT Court Reporters, Private Investigators, or an Attorney, we have a large network of dependable, honest, people we have worked with that are the best of the best and we would be more than proud to recommend. We charge an extra $25.00 for Sat., Sun. and Holidays and last minute/day scheduled.
Whatever you are doing, whether, eating or drinking or doing anything else, work at it whole-soul as if to Jehovah. Col.3:23.
We would love the opportunity to demonstrate our loan signing services to your company. The next time you have a need for a top drawer notary, who will be expeditiously, reliably and efficiently handle your signing needs, I hope you contact us. Excellent customer service to your company and client is our utmost goal. So, maybe not right now, but in the future, you may need us. Please put us on your data base and call and give us a chance to show you our skills. We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.– Aristotle And if by chance we are booked….we can recommend someone else to handle your orders. **Success is attained by: Honesty, Integrity, Reliability, Dedication, Cooperation, Preparation, Organization, Communication, Enthusiasm, Empathy but most of all a good standing with Jehovah our God.
So, when we have obeyed all the orders as commanded we then can say, ‘We are unworthy slaves, we have done only that which we ought to have done. Luke 17:10