Pamela Knight, Notary Public, Phoenixville, PA 19460-2664

Pamela Knight

Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc.

Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc. can assist in all real estate processes, whether someone is in the initial stages of purchasing a home, refinancing a mortgage, are in default, foreclosure or a REO status we can close the deal with efficiency and professionalism. We offer many solutions for your field service needs and have the ability to solve any issue under our core services of Loan Signing, Notary Public, Mortgage Field and Specialty Services. We serve high-volume lenders, loan servicers, government sponsored enterprises, title companies, banks, asset managers, various other industries and the general public.

Services are available in the Pennsylvania counties of: Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia

Please feel free to call on us at 610.935.5944 or 484.500.1437.

Loan Signer
Laser Printer