Katlen Bobchev, Notary Public, New Port Richey, FL 34655-3009

Katlen Bobchev

Work as an independent Notary Public and Certified Notary Signing Agent through the (NNA), Pavaso certified.
Verify that all documents are accounted for when notarizing closing documents during a real estate transaction.
Ensure that signer is aware and understand the documents he/she is signing without interfering with the transaction on behalf of either party
Direct signer to where information can be found should questions arise
Ensure that signer is of sound mind and is not signing under duress
Inform signer of document which explains his/her rights to cancel transaction within a given frame time
Return all signed documents to escrow company immediately to ensure that there is no lapse in time to record documents as needed in the various entities involved
Regular communication
All are printed and double checked for accuracy. I will travel to the borrowers home, place of employment, or brokers office to perform signing.with escrow companies
My experience includes purchases, re-fi’s 1st and 2nd, HELOC commercial, and reverse mortgages. Documents can be e-mailed, faxed or overnight. All are printed and double checked for accuracy. I will travel to the borrowers home, place of employment, or brokers office to perform signing.

Loan Signer
Laser Printer